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Study and Meditation of the Bible

Memory Verse

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (KJV)

  • Knowing how to share the scriptures with others.
  • For believers to learn the scriptures and share their knowledge with others
  • For believers to understand that our Christian journey requires us learn the word of God with others
  • Encourage us to explore and develop ways to grow in the understanding the bible.
  • For believers to understand that growing in scriptures is rooted in Love
  • For us to appreciate that sharing the scripture with others increases our faith and confidence in God.
  • Sharing /Learning the scriptures from others enhances our spiritual growth and maturity.


  • What is the place of inspiration and diligence when it comes to our understanding of the scriptures?
  • How can I study the scriptures effectively?
  • Does the scripture encourage mediation and study of God’s word?
  • What do we mean by meditation on the scriptures and how does this help my understanding of the scriptures?
  • How do we focus effectively when studying or meditating on the scriptures?
  • What approach should I engage in the study and meditation of God’s word?
  • Can meditation ignite desire to know God?
  • Can studying and meditating on God’s word help me live an acceptable life to God?
  • What is the role of the Holy spirt in the study and meditation of God’s word?
  • We need to realise that an understanding of the scriptures is an invitation to all not just to some select few.
  • Growth in the understanding of the scriptures is an intentional and deliberate process (Ps 1:1-3).
  • It is lifelong process.
  • It helps to help a structure and plan in our study of the scriptures.
  • Leverage on materials that can buttress or amplify your understanding of the scriptures. Find the right bible version that will help you with your study.
  • Be consistent (Jos 1:8). It is a process and takes time.
  • The bible enjoins believers to study and meditate on God’s word. (Ps 119:15, Ps 119:97, Tim 4:15, Gen 24:63)
  • Studying and meditating in God’s word helps us grow in our knowledge, understanding and relationship with the father. (2 Peter 3:18, Ps 119:99)
  • Meditation ignites the desire/delight to think deeply on God’s truth. (Psalm 1:2, Luke 2:29.
  • Minimise distractions during study and meditation. This helps our ability to focus. (Matthew 6:6)
  • Meditating on God’s Word enables believers better understand the truth about God’s word which ultimately empowers us. (Joshua 1:8, Pro 2:1-2)
  • Mary pondered on words of the angel; meditation helps us to understand the mysteries of the father (Luke 2:29)
  • We must learn to rely and depend on the holy spirit to guide us in our study of the scriptures (John 16:13, 6:63).
  • The state of our heart is key in determining whether we can get much from our study. False knowledge puffs up and is despised by God.
  • Have an approach or guideline (topics, books, characters and follow it through).
  • Take the time to reflect deeply on what you read to consider its implication to you. Personalise it, question it until you get the nugget within it.
  • Study requires, patience, diligence. Mastery of the scriptures does not happen overnight.
  • The methodology you employ should be that which is suitable to you, it is important that there is consistency in your approach.
  • It is sometimes helpful to peruse different translations of the bible to better understand the scripture
  • Meditation and studying the scriptures makes you know God, It is only when you know God, you can experience him
  • There is need for believers to have stillness of the soul where we focus on the word of God (Ps 4:4).
  • The impression you receive in your time of study goes a long way in shaping your experience and perception of God (e.g. David)
  • Meditation on scriptures is about memorising, muttering it to yourself, to see how it applies specifically to you. (Acts 10:44)
  • Also, study with others where it helps with your engagement with the exercise.