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Making Jesus Known to Different Age Groups

Memory Verse

One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts. )- NKJV

  • Help believers appreciate the urgency of making Jesus known to different age groups.
  • Help us understand how to share the good news to different age groups.
  • Help us appreciate that love is a prerequisite for making Jesus known to different age groups.
  • Establish the fact that all efforts to make Jesus known must cut across different age groups to avoid generation gap.
  • Help us overcome some of the inherent challenges in making Jesus known to different age groups.
  • Help reinforce the power in various age groups in spreading the message of Christ.

  • Why should we make Jesus known to different age groups?
  • How do we make Jesus known to different age groups?
  • What is the significance and benefits of making Jesus known to different age groups?
  • What are some of the recommended ways we can adopt in making Jesus known to different age groups?
  • Role of culture as a catalyst or hindrance in making Jesus known across age groups.
  • Is it possible to exclude a particular age group consciously or unconsciously in our attempt at making Jesus known?
  • Should Christians be thought how to introduce Christ to different age groups?
  • We need to be flexible and adaptable in our approach (whilst staying true to biblical standards) in making Jesus known to different age groups. (1 Corin 9:19-23, Neh 8:1-2).
  • Jesus ministered to everyone both young and old, He was able to carry everyone along. As believers we are expected to bring the gospel to different age groups (1Thes 2:8).
  • In making Jesus known to different age group, we need to remind them of God’s purpose for their lives and therefore encourage to stay committed to Him (1Peter 2:9).
  • Consistent and strategic prayers are vitally important in making Jesus known to different age groups (Luke 18:1).
  • Making Jesus known to all age groups ensures continuity of people knowing and accepting Jesus and eradicates the risk of having a generation that do not know Jesus. (Judges 2:10).
  • It is very possible to exclude specific generations knowing Jesus Intentionally or unintentionally by our actions and inactions which leads to exclusiveness instead of inclusiveness. (Matt 19:13-14).
  • The will of God is for us to have succession plans in place for continuity of the worship of God, to ensure this, Jesus must be made known to different generations/Age groups (1 Chronicles 16:15, Joel 1:3).
  • Show genuine interest for everyone regardless of the age group. Compassion should precede our preaching. (Mark 6:34).
  • Wisdom is required in the adopted approach to use while allowing the leading of the Holy Spirit (Proverbs 11:30).
  • A life well lived will speak to everyone regardless of the age group (Matthew 5:16, 1 Peter 2:12, 1 Peter 3:16 ).
  • We must be intentional and deliberate about making Jesus known to different age groups; the focus is to win everyone to Christ (Matt 28:19-20)
  • It is very important that we show genuine interest in things that matter to people, when they see our genuine interest, they will be interested in what we want to share with them.
  • Our chosen methodology of presenting Jesus to different age groups should reflect their unique tendencies. We should take the time to understand this and be flexible enough top adapt our approach accordingly.
  • It is important that we consciously study and observe generational characteristics as failure to identify these useful attitudes, beliefs, language and values can affect our presentation and resultant outcome.
  • We need to be abreast with the fact that the way people view and relate with the truth of the Gospel changes. We should learn to depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance.
  • Apply wisdom in presenting the gospel to different age groups. Prayer is needed prior to preparation and timing of speaking.
  • It is important we live a life of integrity and character and ensure our conduct attracts people to Christ and not deter people from accepting Christ.